Friday, January 29, 2010

Wedgie Girls 7 In Wich Of The Following Situations Does A Girl Kick A Guy Where It Hurts?

In wich of the following situations does a girl kick a guy where it hurts? - wedgie girls 7

1, covers the ass
2 Grasp the breast
3, he told her she is stupid
4 He said there is a c. ..
5 Since it is thick
6 gets a wedgie
7, which tries to wear his pants

would be the hardest kick?


ottyr00l... said...

1 grave your ass. but must be based on a random situation, then yes
2 Grasp the chest. Same as 1
3, he told her she was stupid. it must almost surely, haha.
4 He said there is a c. ... Stupid Question
5 Since it is fat. like adding gas to the fire
6 receives a wedgie. not always
7, which tries to carry on his pants. Same as 1

edboy25 said...

Honeslty ... would. Or at least call you fat and stupid.

Baseball... said...

but all are worth several hard knocks

gurgamis... said...

2 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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